What's Draining "Your Batteries"? Find Out What's Driving Chronic Fatigue, Stress & Inflammation!

  • Tired of shuttling from doctor to doctor without ever getting satisfactory answers for what's going on?

  • Not sure what else to try to regain your energy, restful sleep and bounce back from all those nagging aches & pains?

  • Wondering what's really driving all those health issues... and how to get your life back?

Take this short quiz to find out what's draining your "batteries"!


3 Misconceptions About Fatigue, Brain Fog, Aches & Pains, Digestive & Hormonal Imbalances

"My Tests Came Back Normal!"

Conventional Testing Misses Important Imbalances

Conventional testing often comes back "normal" because it only looks for a certain number of common medical pathologies and often misses many underlying issues causing your symptoms. Sadly, many people leave their doctor’s office feeling unheard and confused, while still dealing with not feeling well. Going deeper on testing a broad range of health parameters is key to getting to the root cause of your inflammation & hormonal imbalances.

"But I Eat


Are nutrient deficiencies creating inflammation?

Even the healthiest eaters are still prone to nutritional deficiencies due to issues such as stress, gut inflammation and taking antibiotics. Additionally, you may be eating foods to which you have an intolerance. Using a functional medical approach, we will test for nutrient deficiencies and also help you discover the foods that work best for your specific system – thereby reducing intestinal inflammation and increasing nutrient absorption.

"If I Could Just Fix My Hormones!"

Gut issues & stress affect all your hormones!

Your body's hormone system is pretty complex and that's why trying to "fix" hormonal imbalances on its own will frequently backfire. Stress, poor diet, poor gut health or insulin resistance push hormones out of whack... so we need to address those issues first before looking into more conventional treatment options like hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which may not be needed.

Meet Dr. Christopher Johnson, ND

Christopher Johnson, ND is the founder and owner of Thrive Naturopathic. He is a graduate of Sonoran University of Health Sciences. Dr. Johnson is a native of Alexandria, VA. He went to TC Williams High School and completed his undergraduate studies at UVA.

The story bringing Dr. Johnson to the world of natural medicine began with his own experience of chronic illness. Unable to find help in conventional medicine, he turned to holistic approaches including mind-body practices, homeopathy and dietary and lifestyle changes to regain his health.

Dr. Johnson has published papers in the peer-reviewed medical literature. He has been featured in national publications such as Natural Health Magazine and Mothering.com. He served as Vice President of the Virginia Association of Naturopathic Physicians (VAANP) from 2009-2013. He is certified as a Master of the Institute for Human Individuality (IFHI).

Your Health + Wellness Is Our Passion

Helping people live a more balanced & healthier life isn't just our job, it's our passion! We take our commitment to lifelong, optimal health + wellness very seriously... incorporating the latest scientific advances and dedicated to the very best care possible.

We focus on giving you the care you need, not the care sanctioned by health insurance – which is why our programs include longer appointment times, more communication, more advanced testing and guidance on lifestyle factors that can truly make or break your health.

We like to think of ourselves as your trusted partner towards a healthier, more resilient life – supporting you every step of the way, because we know what's possible when you have the right guide by your side!

If you haven't found the answers you've been looking for with traditional medicine and still feel unheard, you are in the right place! We're excited to make you our next success story, so let's take the first step with the quiz :)Global Testimonial Section


Ready For Amazing Results Like These?

Forever indebted to you for changing the course of my life and redeeming the countless years spent with medical practitioners that just didn’t get it.

Katie R.

This is an amazing healing place. I am so grateful to the amazing staff and all of the help my husband has received at this clinic!

Sarah W.

This place has given us our lives back. It is no quick fix, but it is the way to go. This amazing place is full of knowledge, love
and hope.

Monica A.

©2024 Thrive Naturopathic • 6013 Tower Court, Alexandria VA 22304 • (703)-936-6240
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